地方独立行政法人大阪産業技術研究所 - 当法人は、(地独)大阪府立産業技術総合研究所と(地独)大阪市立工業研究所が統合し、平成29年4月1日にスタートしました。研究開発から製造まで、企業の開発ステージに応じた支援を一気通貫で提供し、大阪産業の更なる飛躍に向け、大阪発のイノベーションを創出します。



Osaka Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology






ORIST (Osaka Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology) is the industrial Institute established by both Osaka prefectural government and Osaka municipal government.

Main activities are research, consulting, testing and providing technological information to support SMEs.

Our goal is contribution to economic growth and improvement of the lives of residents in Osaka by promoting the development of SMEs.

Total number of staff: 278 (as of April 1, 2024)



April 2017 Technology Research Institute of Osaka Prefecture and Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute were merged into Osaka Reserch Institute of Industrial Science and Technology (ORIST).
July 2017 Held the ORIST founding ceremony at Izumi Center.
July 2017 Held the ORIST founding commemorative lecture meeting at Morinomiya Center.
March 2018 Opened the new semi‐anechoic chamber at Izumi Center.
April 2021 Opened "Technology Research & Innovation Center for 3D Printing" at Izumi Center.
January 2022 Opened "Research Center for Advanced Electronic Materials" at Morinomiya Center.